Monday, February 21, 2011

Bio-Luminescent Bay at La Parguera, PR

One of the unique tourist attractions in Puerto Rico are the bio-luminescent bays. Small bodies of water along the coast, with restricted connections to fresh ocean water, develop large populations of phosphorescent marine organisms. At night, when you disturb the water, the organisms glow. It is quite fun to jump in the water on a dark night and watch the glow around your feet and hands as you tread water. You can even float and make glowing "snow angels" in the water. Aunt Ginny and I went with Paradise Scuba from La Parguera to the nearby bio-luminescent bay. At $32 dollars apiece, it was okay to do it once, but we probably won't make a career out of it. The following link takes you to a Google Map to show where it is: Bio-Bay at La Parguera

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