Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ugly Americans in Nicaragua

Watching many of the American tourists perform in the Managua, Nicaragua, TicaBus terminal was shameful.  Nicaragua has good surfing along the western coast, a strong African influence, and lower prices than the better-known, more-developed places, such as Costa Rica.  But overall, cheap, funky, and surf does not attract a good class of tourist.  Judging from the no-limits body piercings, tattoos, and ragged clothing, they appeared as intergalactic scum from a different planet.  Even with strong visual warning labels, I underestimated the noxious effects of their poor hygiene, drunkenness, and X-rated language.  After several thousand years of civilization, decades of American global leadership, expensive educations, 401Ks, and modern thinking, how does our country produce such social retards?  Showing little respect for themselves, their mother country, or the people serving them.  Competing with each other in public displays of self-indulgence, undeveloped egos, and anti-social attitudes.  One bitchy, tattooed girl with too many bags and not enough clothes interrupted a crowded line so many times the bus was delayed.  Surely, most consider themselves successful, progressive, educated, cultured, and environmentally-friendly.  Instead, they are self-centered assholes, lacking basic human decency.  Why make life harder than it has to be?  Wear clean, modest clothing, take a shower, be polite, show some respect, control your intake of chemicals, and play well with others.

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